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Uber driver pulls a gun out on Indiana couple over an argument
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Uber driver pulls a gun out on Indiana couple over an argument

Kentucky, USA — An Indiana couple is suing Uber over a fatal fight between them and an Uber driver last summer.

Natalie Strand and her husband, Gregory Strand Jr., claims the company failed to protect customers by not properly vetting its employee.

Apparently, the Uber driver, Michael Wallace had a history of “medical problems”. Mr. Wallace was suffering from anger issues and therefore, shouldn’t have been an approved Uber driver. 

The incident occurred last August of 2018. Mr. Strand and his friends wanted to add an extra person to the ride. However, Mr. Wallace refused, considering that Uber discourages drivers from accepting additional passengers for safety reasons.

Despite this, Mr. Strand insisted to bring their friend along, which angered Mr. Wallace. A heated argument took place and eventually, the driver told the group to leave his vehicle.

As the group started to evacuate the vehicle, Mr. Wallace punched Strand in the face and then hit him several more times. 

The rest of the group started calling for 911, stating to the operator that “we’ve got an Uber driver with a gun.”

Mr. Strand disarmed Wallace and held him in an arm lock, the lawsuit says. Wallace then told the group he couldn’t breathe and later died at a hospital.

“It needed to look no further than his public Facebook profile for adequate evidence that Mr. Wallace was a violent person who should not be trusted with the safety of Uber’s Riders,” the lawsuit says.

Furthermore, the suit claims that Mr. Strand now suffers from PTSD and many more problems following the incident. Mr. Strand calls out Uber’s “gross negligence, negligent representation and fraud and the defendant’s battery, assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.” 

The lawsuit seeks compensation, including damages for lost wages and emotional distress.

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