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Family of murdered Chicago cabbie sues Uber after driver flees to China
Uber & taxi drivers

Family of murdered Chicago cabbie sues Uber after driver flees to China

Chicago, USA — A 64-year-old taxi driver, Anis Tungekar, was killed by an Uber driver after being kicked in the head during a traffic altercation. His family, a wife and three children, calls for justice.

Last Tuesday, the victim’s family filed a lawsuit against Uber, claiming that the company failed to keep drivers with violent history off the streets.

“He had no driver’s license, a violent history- he never should have been in the road,” said family attorney Michael Gallagher. “Uber knowingly allowed a violent individual to operate as one of their drivers and my client paid with his life as a result.”

“Had things been different my father’s fatal attack would never had happened,” Rehman Tungekar, the driver’s other son, added.

According to the 30-page suit, Lu Fangqi, the Uber driver, have been previously involved in another violent attack against a person.

Scott Gore, the Uber driver’s other victim, said Fangqi attacked him that same month. According to Gore, the two got into an argument about the best route to take during his ride.

The police issued a warrant of arrest against Lu for the attack. However, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office declined to file charges against him.

With the window to escape from his charges, Lu has since fled back to his home country, China.

“The video clearly showed Lu unprovoked attacking Anis in broad daylight. I couldn’t grapple that that didn’t warrant criminal charges,” Atty. Gallagher said. “I asked them if they were going to go forward with charges and they said they needed to continue investigating. Finally, a warrant his arrest on December 26, 20018 for first-degree murder, but he was already gone.”

Taxi drivers killed
Anis Tunkegar, 64, died on Sept. 4, 2018, two days after he was kicked in the head in the course of an argument with an Uber driver in the West Loop

Furthermore, Omar added: “Uber could have used their technology to prevent Fangqi Lu from driving on an invalid license. They could’ve kicked him off their platform after his attack on Mr. Gore. But Uber ignored the warnings and did nothing to keep a dangerous and unlicensed driver off the streets. They could’ve protected public safety. They didn’t.”

“This is an $80 billion company,” Atty. Gallagher stated. “They can’t put more resources forward to safeguard against attacks? This is the definition of reckless. That’s why we’re suing.”

An Uber spokeswoman have released a statement regarding the incident. “This is a horrible tragedy and our thoughts are with Mr. Tungekar’s family and loved ones.” Uber denies to give any further comment after that.

The lawsuit, with the driver and Uber as the defendants, is seeking $10 million in damages from Uber.

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