Internet superstar Tana Mongeau claims she was ‘almost killed’ by Uber driver

Internet superstar Tana Mongeau claims she was ‘almost killed’ by Uber driver

Los Angeles, USA — Internet celebrity Tana Mongeau made many of her fans worried after she posted a YouTube video claiming she was recently “almost killed” by an Uber driver after leaving her ex Bella Thorne’s house.

In her almost 50-minute long ‘story-time’ video, the YouTuber began by explaining how she’s had “so many bad” Uber experiences. “I have like PTSD from them,” Tana said.

According to her, she was spending the night with her ex and hew friends in Bella’s house. Apparently, Bella’s house is “so so so so far in the hills” that drivers often decline driving up all the way. Hence, after multiple canceled rides, a black Uber SUV finally accepted.

However, things took a turn when the Uber driver showed up to pick up Tana and her friend, Imari.

“His voice … think like 6 foot tall like white like school teacher but like murderer rapist on the side white … like I have big glasses … like voice,” Tana explained in the video.

Furthermore, the famous influencer claims she usually cancels rides from suspicious drivers. She opened her Uber app to make sure the car’s license plate matched the Uber driver’s details in the app, but it didn’t.

As Tana confronted the driver and began exchanging ‘rude’ words to each other, a Lyft ride arrived. Tana believed she canceled the other vehicle, but it turned out she didn’t. Still, Tana and her friend decided to get in the driver’s car despite it not matching what the Uber app showed.

“I realized I could have just got in the other Lyft,” she explained. “But there was something about him that was so angry and scary that I felt like if I canceled he would be even angrier with me, which I realized is like a dumb thing to do.”

During the ride, her friend Imari asked the driver for the aux cord. When they asked the driver to turn up the volume, the driver allegedly became irritated. Terrified for their lives, they began acting extra nice to the driver.

At one point in the ride, they drove through ‘a forest’ and Tana received a text. Her friend apparently watched her get in the driver’s car at Bella’s house. The friend then described it as the “scariest interaction I’ve ever seen someone have with an Uber driver.” The moment she received that text, she lost cellphone service.

Eventually, the car reached a three-way stop on a dirt road. The driver then asked them if he’s supposed to go “straight, right or left.”

“‘I think it’s left,'” Tana said Imari told the driver. “And then he goes right!

“Imagine. You’re in this car with this ‘Lovely Bones’-ass dominating [man],” she said in her video. “He’s like so tall too that he’s like taller than the driver’s seat so you just see like his white man like shoulders but I have no idea what his face looks like.

“He could have easily killed us there and gotten away with it,” she added.

Tana claimed she was experiencing a “full-blown panic attack” at that point. When the service returned, she immediately looked at her maps and realized the driver was heading in the opposite direction from her house.

Moreover, Tana noticed the driver was “purposefully missing” freeway exits and he was “fully ignoring” his navigation.

Finally, the friends decided they have had enough. Tana tried to make up a story about her period. She then told the driver that she needed to stop to get feminine products.

While on the freeway, Tana noticed a gas station off the onramp and told the driver to pull over. Tana expressed how she was so ready to jump out at this point. At the Shell station, both girls got out of the car and the Uber driver drove away.

The pair then walked up to the gas station’s market. However, the store was, unfortunately, “closed for a shift change.” And then… the Uber driver started driving back toward them.

Tana said they went and hid behind the gas station while calling for a new Uber, who came and picked them up. 

“I’m not overdramatic,” she said. “Imari and I obviously talk about [the first driver] the whole ride home.”

After she posted the video on her Twitter account Monday, Uber Support account replied.

“We take this very seriously, @tanamongeau,” the account tweeted. “Please send us a DM with the phone number associated with your account as well as more information regarding your concern, so we can assist you further.”

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