Uber’s BGC: How Bad Is It?
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Uber’s BGC: How Bad Is It?

It’s no secret that Uber’s background checks receive a ton of criticism. From law authorities to transportation enthusiasts, the skepticism for its effectivity is very strong.

Their argument, per se, is that Uber doesn’t implement fingerprint scans when hiring their drivers, even though it is the most recommended and used by basically all companies. The biometric data through a fingerprint background check is far better than depending on the applicant’s conscience to remain honest during the hiring process. Instead, Uber is using a budget background check service called Checkr.

Of course, Uber disagrees to these statements, since not all background checks “is going to be 100 percent foolproof and get all information,” anyway.

But that kind of mindset is exactly what brought many, many, controversies and news headlines to Uber’s table. Uber drivers have been accused of rape and sexual assault, convicted sex offenders, and murderers. Several news organizations had found instances of drivers with criminal pasts passing their background checks.

Do you want to know more about Uber’s BCG? Well, keep reading, because here’s a list of all the bad things that happened thanks to a faulty background check service.

The system is making it extra harder for transgender drivers

Transgender drivers all over the country are finding their accounts either temporarily or permanently suspended due to an Uber security feature that requires drivers to take a selfie to verify their identity. If the photo doesn’t come back as a match to other photos on file, it will get flagged.

Although it’s for a good cause – fake Uber drivers are a thing now – but the feature doesn’t take into account drivers going through gender transitions.

Terrorist got hired as an Uber driver

Where do accused terrorists and war criminals responsible for mass executions and torture look for work while living in the United States? Well, as it turns out, the answer is Uber.

Accused terrorist Sayfullo Saipov made over 1,400 trips as an Uber driver and 180 trips as a Lyft driver. All while he was being investigated for allegedly killing 8 people using a rented pick-up truck.

Furthermore, records show Saipov had received traffic citations in the past. Still, Uber and Lyft said they were not “disqualifying” based on its criteria or under local and state law in New Jersey.

Meanwhile, Yusuf Abdi Ali, former Somali military commander, has been shuttling passengers for Uber for more than 18 months. The worst part is, he’s an “Uber Pro Diamond” driver with a 4.89 rating on Uber’s app.

Goes to show that all Uber really cares about is putting more drivers on the road as quickly as possible.

Over 100 Uber drivers have been accused of sexual assault

Yes, you read that right – your next Uber ride could potentially be a trip with a sex offender. That sounds fun.

According to the latest CNN report, two murder convicts and a smuggler have allegedly committed rape during a rideshare service. And this number rises day by day, with the latest case about Nimer Abdallah. The driver was sentenced last Friday to 14 years in prison for raping a passenger in October 2016.

Inconsistency cost an Uber driver his work

Quite ironically, Uber doesn’t mind about recently convicted criminals applying for a position in the company. However, a crime that happened in the 1980s is a big no-no for them.

Kendall Reese walked out of jail decades ago before applying – and getting hired – as an Uber driver. He passed the background check in order to drive for Uber. But then in April of this year, Uber announced a big new safety campaign, which included reruns of Uber driver background checks on a regular basis. But when Reese’s number came up in May, he failed the new check and eventually got kicked out from Uber.

Reese appealed Uber’s decision. However, the company replied by telling him that he was no longer welcome to drive for Uber any longer. Their reason, specifically, is stemmed from a robbery case brought against him in 1985.

Reese admitted he spent time in jail… on the weekends… and then probation for the next five years.

“This has been affecting me for years, it was affecting me back when I was a kid,” says Reese. “And it is still affecting me 30 years later. I’ve always worked, but for years, I was never really gainfully employed because of this record. How do we expect people to really change when we don’t even give them a chance?”

There are more horror stories from Uber’s background checks, but for now, let’s give them a chance. After all, they’ve recently announced a newly modified security system.

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