Top 10 Unique-Looking Taxis Around The World
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Top 10 Unique-Looking Taxis Around The World

Indeed, cultural diversity is a mind-blowing thing. Whether it’s a matter of fashion, language, interests, etc., it makes the world a lot more entertaining and meaningful.

For instance, different languages and food preference is an amazing thing to discover. But sometimes those that are as simple as a taxicab are the ones that really catch us off guard. I mean, who would’ve thought that taxis aren’t always those yellow 4-seated cars in some countries?

If you’re someone who travels a lot (and is an avid taxi customer), you’re probably not extra surprised to know that fact. But if you’re anything like me (a potato couch that relies on the internet for information), then newsflash: cabs come in different shapes, color, sizes, style, and more!

So, without further ado, let us some of the most unique and cool-looking taxicabs all around the world!

10. Premier Padmini – Mumbai, India

An inside look of a taxi cab in Mumbai, India called Premier Padmini.

Perhaps the city’s most iconic taxi is the Premier Padmini. This black-and-yellow Sudan comes with an elaborately floral-patterned interior that reflects the translated name of the cab: “she who sits on the lotus”. If I were to be poetic, I would say these cabs resemble the bumblebees. It’s black and yellow, busy buzzing around the streets to fill in those nectar-hungry tummies. However, just like our cute buzzing friends, these unique taxicabs are endangered in Mumbai’s streets. So, give these beautiful cabs a try before they fade out from the streets!

9. Water Taxi – New York City, USA

The New York Water Taxi

Of course, this list won’t be complete without mentioning the taxi’s motherland, New York. However, their cabs aren’t only found on land – they’re on the water, too. The New York Water Taxi looks like a cab, and works like a cab. Also, it offers sightseeing, charter and commuter services along the East River and Hudson River.

8. Retro Taxis – Havana, Cuba

A vintage and retro-styled taxi cab in Havana, Cuba

Walking around the city of Havana is like exploring a time capsule. Pastel-colored vehicles, vintage architecture, and even the taxis themselves reflect the American-classics. The city’s Fords, Chevys, Buicks from the ’50s surely makes for a great Insta-worthy content!

7. Fiakers – Vienna, Austria

A horse-drawn taxi from Vienna, Austria called fiaker.

For a city that blooms with artistic and Imperial-feel heritage, Fiakers are the best choice of transportation. Usually managed by family-owned companies, these horse-drawn taxicabs date back to 1693. Nowadays, these services are mainly for weddings and ceremonies. However, we still highly recommend this vehicle for an authentic and memorable experience in the city.

6. Three-Wheeled Tuk Tuks – Bangkok, Thailand

Three-wheeled Tuk Tuk from Bangkok, Thailand

Thai houses many different styles of cabs, but the one that stands out most is the three-wheeled Tuk Tuk. This colorful and tiny cab is perfect for those who have brave and adventurous hearts. The Thai Tuk Tuk, also called auto rickshaws, are capable of driving fast, bumping over potholes, and dodging against traffic. Perhaps that is why the vehicle is very popular in heavily-congested areas.

5. San Lun Che – Beijing, China

Three-wheeled pedicabs from China called Sanlunche.

This very traditional looking vehicle is the San Lun Che, which translates to pedicab or tricycle. Moreover, this popular three-wheeled pedicab or cycle rickshaw transport passengers around China. It started its operation in the 1950s to replace the phased-out rickshaw.

4. Bicitaxi – Mexico City, Mexico

Bicitaxi in Mexico City, Mexico

After Mexico’s iconic green VW Beetles retired in 2012, Bicitaxi might be the city’s next big thing. The name is a combination of the words bicycle and taxi, as the vehicle is operated through pedaling. Thus, it makes for a great eco-friendly alternative from Mexico’s crowded downtown.

3. Piaggio Ape Taxi – Ischia, Italy

Piaggo Ape Taxi from Ischia, Italy

Is it a bird? is it an ape? No, it’s a taxi! This silly and traditional micro-taxis are called Piaggo Ape. The name actually refers to the work ethic of this vehicle – “ape” in Italian means “bee”. Furthermore, the vehicle is actually designed by the same engineer who created the Vespa. During that time, Italy was severely affected by the 2nd World War. So, they came up with the idea of building a light three-wheeled commercial vehicle to aid Italy’s economic reconstruction. These taxis are still in use today!

2. Gondola – Venice

A gondola being used to transport passengers around Venice.

For a city that has waterways instead of roads, water taxis are the best (and perhaps only) way to get around Venice. These beautiful and elegant boats are notorious for giving couples the most romantic experience in town. But beware, they come with a pretty high price so make sure to check your budget before hopping in. Nevertheless, the experience is definitely worth every penny!

1. Cocotaxi – Cuba

Cocotaxi from Cuba

And the cab that takes the number one spot is Cuba’s cocotaxi. This peculiar-looking vehicle definitely stands out from the crowd for its bright yellow color and coconut-shaped body. Also, these apparently are very popular in Cuba and can be seen in every road. This three-wheeled taxicab can transport up to three passengers in one ride!

So, which taxis captured your attention the most? Are you planning on trying some of them? Share your thoughts on the comments below!

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