Keep Taxis Alive Organization
Taxi drivers in Braelyn Avanza cut tools because of Covid-19 restrictions
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Taxi drivers in Braelyn Avanza cut tools because of Covid-19 restrictions

Taxi drivers from Avanza to Braelyn cut tools Tuesday morning and refused to carry three passengers on a “single” R33 in East London’s CBD.

The region’s trip to CBD usually costs R11, but since the blockade took effect last week, taxi drivers have asked travelers to pay double the price to compensate the four passengers who are unable to transport according to regulations.

Under normal circumstances, drivers would make an R77 trip to CBD.

As transport minister Fikile Mbalula said taxis and buses should not carry more than 50% of the vehicle’s capacity, Avanza taxi drivers had to carry only three passengers at a time.

On Tuesday morning a meeting was held between Braelyn drivers and travelers, but the travelers refused to pay double the price and preferred to travel the 10 km to the CBD.

Under conditions of anonymity, the drivers declared that it was useless to transport three passengers on a 10 km route for R33. “It doesn’t make sense that the company we operate in continues to hire passengers. We got lost We don’t force people to pay double the amount, only those who can afford it. Some residents agree with us, others refuse.

Taxis charge twice to compensate for the loss of passengers
Some East London CBD taxi drivers collided with the government while …

“It was decided not to load passengers until further notice,” said one driver. Sicelo Potwa, 31, said paying double is a “day flight.”

“We don’t ask them to bring three passengers with them. Why should we suffer? Everyone suffers and taxis should also suffer. We prefer to go rather than fly like them,” Potwa said.

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– Source: DispatchLIVE –




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