OSHA Regulations for Taxi & Rideshare Drivers
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OSHA Regulations for Taxi & Rideshare Drivers

US – In OSHA’s (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) latest effort to educate and protect America’s workers and employers during the coronavirus pandemic, the agency has issued an alert listing safety tips to help reduce the risk of exposure to the coronavirus in the car service industry.

Safety measures include:

  • Allowing drivers to wear masks over their nose and mouth to prevent them from spreading the virus;
  • Providing alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60 percent alcohol for both drivers and customers;
  • Limiting the number of passengers transported at a single time and installing plexiglass partitions between driver and passenger compartments where possible;
  • Routinely cleaning and disinfecting vehicle door handles and inside surfaces with Environmental Protection Agency-approved cleaning chemicals from List N or that have label claims against the coronavirus;
  • Lowering vehicle windows to increase airflow; and
  • Encouraging drivers to report any safety and health concerns.

OSHA has also published Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19, a document aimed at helping workers and employers learn about ways to protect themselves and their workplaces during the ongoing pandemic.

According to Uber, starting May 18th, only three passengers will be allowed in each vehicle across its product line.

Previously, Uber had allowed up to four passengers in its UberX vehicles. Passengers will not be allowed to ride in the front seat. This is meant to promote social distancing from the driver — if not exactly between passengers, three of which will still be allowed to pile into the backseat.

Uber announced Wednesday it’s using in-app technology to verify drivers have a mask on, and is requiring riders to wear them, too. The new rules come after the platform encouraged app users to stay at home the last two months during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lyft is distributing hand sanitizer and face masks — at no cost to their drivers. The company is also exploring new earning opportunities and ways for their drivers to save money through existing programs.

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– Source: Colin Fluxman – sunnewsreport.com




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Keep Taxis Alive Organization (KeepTaxisAlive.Org) was founded to empower taxi drivers worldwide and keep the taxi industry alive. It is a platform the taxi drivers’ community can use to shed a light on the danger faces the public and the taxi industry all around the world from unregulated ride share providers, especially UBER. We invite all taxi drivers to be part of our community and voice out their thoughts on our platform and share their ideas on how to improve our industry and Keep Taxis Alive.


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