Keep Taxis Alive Organization
It’s Time to #DeleteUber
Bad uber driver

It’s Time to #DeleteUber

From the never-ending sexual harassment reports against its drivers to the major flop of its ambitious initial public offering, it seems that Uber is slowly succumbing to its self-inflicted wounds without ever seeing the light of day. And with Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi recently dismissing the grisly assassination of the Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi as a mere ‘mistake‘, people are ready to finally put an end into this toxic ride-share regime.

Hence, presented in today’s blog are reasons why it is finally time for us to join together and #BoycottUber.

Uber never changes

Uber has a reputation for lacking a conscience. Calls to boycott Uber have begun since 2017 when the company was accused of taking advantage of a taxi strike protesting President Trump’s ban on travel from several predominantly Muslim countries. The following year, a former Uber engineer sued the company for sexual harassment. Sadly, this situation goes beyond the office space of Uber – thousands of Uber drivers have been convicted of sexual assault on their passengers.

These very challenges forced former-CEO Travis Kalanick to surrender his position for Mr. Khosrowshahi to take over. In other words, Mr. Khosrowshahi’s main goal was to clean after Mr. Kalanick’s mess – wherein he’s certainly doing his best, but he is yet to accomplish.

Uber has promised to do better one too many times before. Thus, Farhad Manjoo, a Times columnist, wrote on how Uber users should respond to the company’s failings:

“We should do more than hope: There’s an Uber app on your phone. Think twice about tapping it, because if Uber remains terrible after this, we have only ourselves to blame. … There’s a lot at stake. Ride-sharing, as an industry and a civic utility, is too big an idea to be left to a company like the one Uber is now.”

Even the founder himself has given up on Uber…

Uber has faced so many setbacks recently that even its founder appears to have lost faith in the rideshare company.

Last week, Uber co-founder and ousted CEO Travis Kalanick sold more than $500 million worth of Uber shares as soon as the company’s 180-day lockup period expired.

You see, Uber’s stock is way down below bedrock that it suffered a $1 billion loss for the third quarter. And it’s not getting better.

Since its IPO in May, Uber’s market value had fallen from $70 billion to $45 billion. Obviously, investors immediately wanted to get rid of their bad investments as soon as the opportunity comes. And by the end of the lock-up period, Kalanick, along with many others, sold their shares to the market.

This is despite Khosrowshahi’s attempts to assure his investors that the stock slump will be temporary and that the company is confident about turning a profit soon. Of course, the CEO’s convincing ended up as an epic fail.

Have you decided to take a stand or will you let the ride-share industry be at risk? Let us know down in the comments below.

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