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4 Things All Cabbies Should Learn From Japanese Taxi Drivers
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4 Things All Cabbies Should Learn From Japanese Taxi Drivers

Japanese people are known for being well-mannered, kind, and humble. Although faced with many flaws, as all nations do, Japan is definitely one of the top countries that set the bar high in terms of attitude.

In fact, their mannerisms already manifest in everything they do, from work to simple daily routines. Hence, it shouldn’t be a surprise if Japanese taxi drivers earn the title for being “the best cabbies in the world”.

And we’re not being stereotypical here, we’re talking facts. Not sure if that’s true? Well, keep reading, because today we’re going to show you 5 things all cabbies should learn from Japanese taxi drivers.

1. Japanese taxi drivers are well-disciplined

Although the majority of taxi drivers around the world are required to take professional training before actually driving for a fare, they don’t always showcase proper behavior. So many taxi drivers in the US alone waste their driving skills because of their attitude.

However, Japanese taxi drivers are different. They always greet their customers as if they are royalties. Taxis in Japan are spotlessly clean and the level of service is exceptionally high. Drivers will never take advantage of their customers and fares are calculated by the running meter.

Take a look at this video from Reddit showing Japanese taxi drivers and their incredible discipline.

2. Japanese taxi drivers present themselves professionally

In most countries, taxi drivers aren’t required to wear specific uniforms – except maybe t-shirts. Often times, cabbies wear casual clothing whenever they’re out driving.

But it is important to remember that being a taxi driver is a profession. Cabbies receive several trainings and assessment before becoming who they are today. Hence, it is always recommended to wear something that tells the passengers that they’re being driven by a professional.

With that said, take a look at the Japanese taxi drivers. They wear a hat and white gloves, and maybe a surgical mask, which shows “courtesy” in Japan. They also dress in a tuxedo which makes it look more professional. Now, wouldn’t passengers feel safer if cabbies start dressing up like Japanese taxi drivers?

3. Taxis are well-equipped for safety

This one goes for the cab companies. Japanese taxi companies really take road safety seriously. Around 96% of corporate taxis have external cameras and 85% have internal cameras. These cameras are used for efficiency in dealing with automobile accidents as well as for education and training on safety.

On top of that, cab companies also provide traffic safety campaigns, safe driver contests, automobile transportation safety checks, Zero Taxi Accident Day activities, and overhaul inspections during the summer and year-end.

In fact, Japanese cabbies are so safe that parents feel comfortable letting their child take a taxi on their own. Japan offers a service called “Kid’s Taxi” where a child can take a taxi with a deferred payment system driven by an elite driver in charge of kids whom they are familiar with.

4. Japanese taxi drivers can take you on a sightseeing course

In most places, sightseeing rarely occurs in a taxi ride. In fact, some taxi drivers won’t be bothered to tell you a thing or two about their city if you’re a foreigner.

But with Japan, certified taxi drivers can take you on a sightseeing course around the city. The driver accompanies up to four passengers around a set course of a town’s attractions and can offer explanations and answer questions on what there is to see. 

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