An honest Liverpool taxi driver overwhelms a customer after returning money dropped during airport run
KTA Blog - An honest Liverpool taxi driver overwhelms a customer after returning money dropped during airport run

An honest Liverpool taxi driver overwhelms a customer after returning money dropped during airport run

Liverpool, UK – A taxi driver was praised by a customer for returning money that was dropped during an airport run.

Sonia Barry took to Facebook on Tuesday to shower a taxi firm with gratitude after her mum dropped money behind in one of their cars.

The driver then went out of his way to make sure the cash was returned to the customer, leading to people applauding him for being so trustworthy.

In the post, Sonia explained that she had booked a taxi for her mum from Sevens in Woodchurch.

The journey was from Wirral to Manchester Airport but during the trip, Sonia’s mum dropped £20 and left the car without noticing.

A short while later, Sonia received a phone call from the operator at the taxi firm saying that the driver had found it in the car after she had got out.

She raved about the firm and encouraged other people to book taxis from their because of their honest and trustworthy drivers.

Sonia added: “I would just like to say there really are honest people out there.

“My mum got a taxi from 0151 677 7777 this morning to Manchester airport.

“The operator has just phoned me, as I booked the taxi, to tell me I’d dropped £20 in one of there taxis.

“This is how trustworthy this taxi firm are always go above and beyond. Sevens, Woodchurch.”

In response to the post, other people commented to say how kind and reliable the drivers are.

One woman said: “I left my Christmas present one Christmas Eve in the back of their taxi.

“Two o’clock in the morning he came knocking at my door with them.

“I didn’t even realise, will always use them.”

Another person added: “We started using them when we moved up here 9 years ago because of their reliability so it’s great to know that they have another plus point.”

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Keep Taxis Alive Organization (KeepTaxisAlive.Org) was founded to empower taxi drivers worldwide and keep the taxi industry alive. It is a platform the taxi drivers’ community can use to shed a light on the danger faces the public and the taxi industry all around the world from unregulated ride share providers, especially UBER. We invite all taxi drivers to be part of our community and voice out their thoughts on our platform and share their ideas on how to improve our industry and Keep Taxis Alive.



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