A cab driver sets himself on fire and dies protesting a car pool app (South Korea)
Cab industry

A cab driver sets himself on fire and dies protesting a car pool app (South Korea)

A cab driver protested a popular carpool app on Monday by setting himself on fire in South Korea

The New York Post reported that the cab driver had covered himself in a flammable liquid and set himself on fire while sitting in his cab. The 57-year-old driver protested the carpooling app by Kakao Mobility along with other cab drivers because they stated the app threatens their livelihood.

The mobile company said the app is still in the testing process regardless of the cab drivers opposition to the app. However, the app company expressed their condolences to the cab driver’s family. “We feel sorry and sadden by the incident and we express our condolences”

An official from the Korea National Conference of Taxi Association said they are in the process of asking the government to prevent the carpooling app from earning any revenue. “We still in the middle of a tug-of-war against the government to put a stop to the carpool service”

The taxi ministry did not make any further comments.




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Keep Taxis Alive Organization (KeepTaxisAlive.Org) was founded to empower taxi drivers worldwide and keep the taxi industry alive. It is a platform the taxi drivers’ community can use to shed a light on the danger faces the public and the taxi industry all around the world from unregulated ride share providers, especially UBER. We invite all taxi drivers to be part of our community and voice out their thoughts on our platform and share their ideas on how to improve our industry and Keep Taxis Alive.



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